SMiRT 4 ConferenceSMiRT 4 Flag
San Francisco, USA

Chair’s Message
Information and Society


Chairman’s Message

Purpose and Scope of the Conference

The biennial International Conferences on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology aim at bringing together engineers and scientists who are actively engaged in solving structural mechanics problems in the field of reactor technology with fundamentalists in the general field of engineering mechanics. Thus, both applied and fundamental papers on structural mechanics problems in reactor technology are presented and discussed for the benefit of both reactor technology and of structural mechanics science.

The 1st and 2nd SMiRT Conferences, held in Berlin in 1971 and 1973, and the 3rd SMiRT Conference, held in London in 1975, provided a most useful meeting ground for reactor technologists, mechanical and civil structural engineers, and engineering mechanics scientists from all over the world. The Fourth Conference holds promise of maintaining the high level of contribution from engineers and researchers from all over the world, and of increasing the interaction among fundamental and applied workers in this vital field.

The broad field of structural mechanics in reactor technology has been subdivided, as in the previous SMiRT Conferences, into topical divisions. In this Conference, each of these has been organized by two Division Coordinators, whose individual and collective efforts have played an essential part in the shaping of the Conference programs. Each Division contains a Principal Lecture, highlighting the present state of the field and pointing the way to possible future developments.


The Transactions of the Conference are once again being produced by the Directorate General for Scientific and Technical Information and Information Management of the Commission of the European Communities. Special thanks go to Mme. J. Stalpaert of that Directorate-General, who acted in the capacity of Publication Manager. We are grateful to the several co-sponsoring and cooperating organizations and societies for their extremely important collaboration. In addition, the Conference organizers are grateful to Mrs. E. Kleversaat of the Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung, Berlin, who served as Secretary to the Scientific Chairman, and to Mrs. L. Warren, Secretary to the General Chairman, for their unstinting and devoted efforts at all stages of the Conference organization.

We are sure that the present Conference will form a memorable link in the chain of SMiRT Conferences, and wish to extend our thanks to all authors and participants, and to all those who have helped so much in the long months of planning, for their unflagging support and assistance.

Boley Signature
Bruno A. BOLEY
General Chairman

Jaeger Signature
Thomas A. JAEGER
Scientific Chairman